Monday, November 9, 2009

TLPH Baby Bumps!

I'll say it again... even though winter hasn't even started yet, spring is just around the corner! Here is the current state of the TLPH mare's baby bumps in their various states of gestation. I'm sure I will be posting more baby bump updates as they progress - I need SOMETHING to pass the time! I have never been so excited for a foaling season... the first Chance foal crop! Not to mention all the COLOR possibilities next year. :) All these mares will be on Marestare for the third year, this will be our busiest yet!

I just noticed they are all due in pairs except for the last one. Good thing we have two foaling stalls!

"Sheza", the first mare due of the spring. She is the surrogate mare that is carrying the A Chance For Romance x Skys Castle Magic embryo. Due March 5, we'll start watching her mid-Feb.

"Jamie", the second surrogate mare. She is carrying the much-anticipated A Chance For Romance x Southern Sensations embryo. Due March 11. She'll be in our second foaling stall next to Jamie. First two babies of the year are Chance's, with possibility for color!

Next is ML Zippos Venture "Lucy". She is carrying her second foal, her first by A Chance For Romance. Due March 20th. Hopefully the first two mares will be out of the foaling stalls for her and the next that is due almost the same day as Lucy...

Skys Castle Magic, aka Shirley, is due on March 23rd with her second foal of the year, this one she is carrying, by Artful Move. I'm excited about this foal because I think it is the closest I will get to the late Milo, my buckskin Artful Move colt that passed away. He was one of a kind, but this mare is so similar in type, movement, and mind, to his late dam Lexi, plus with the color to boot, that maybe, just maybe I will get something similar. I won't even expect a buckskin colt though... LOL. Things like that just don't happen twice! :)

Next is the great Southern Sensations, aka Sendy, with the second most anticipated foal of the year, just because it's hers! It is by Huntin For Chocolate and is our only western pleasure bred baby of the year (although I suspect her Chance baby may end up that type as well). Don't have an exact date for her, due mid April, but she looks due in mid December! Note the lovely, faded, annual winter jammies she gets. :P

This is Sleepy Little Asset aka Lily. She is in foal to Chance, I don't have an exact due date on her either other than mid April. I suspect this foal will go both ways, western and english, and be absolutely stunning headed. Oh, and bay!

Last but not least, as it is likely our most unique breeding of the year, is Lady Serengeti, aka Sara the Appaloosa. This is our first ever Appaloosa and she is in foal to Chance! Still sporting a rather slender baby bump, this poor girl is due a month and a half after the last girls to foal, May 31! We just didn't want to waste a year on this lovely spotted girl though, and are so excited to see the appaloosa huntseat foal by Chance! She is also a red dun, so two possibilities for color.. although I know we'll get solid sorrel. :P

You can check out all these girls in their more fit forms at

Happy Baby Bakin'!


Cuttingal said...

Wow I love foaling season, well were not there yet but it makes winter a little easier with something to look forward to. We don't have babies, because we do nothave broodmare quality mares (all the show horses are geldings) but I love when my friends have foals. I can wait to see your foals.

Ps. they other day I had my first western pleasure lesson, boy was it different then cutting a lot of fun but different. I know you’re not a trainer but I was curious is a "spur stop" a good thing and are all WP horse programmed with them? I would love to do some WP but the "spur stop" goes completely against everything cutting and I don't want to mess that up.

Amy Lynn said...

Spur stops are lovely things once you get used to them :) It was hard for me to pick up too coming from dressage and hunters, but its so nice having that button that always works! You can get them so soft and subtle that you can't even see when the horse is cued to stop. It's definitely very typical for WP training.

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